System Intelligence Service. VCFSE "use-case" Development. Update
Date posted: 2nd October 2024
Following the join ICB - VCFSE Alliance Data and Intelligence workshop in July, a follow-up session was held with the ICB team in early September to agree next steps. To see the presentation from the session, please click the link below.
The key actions arising are,
- Work with upper tier authorities to coordinate currently parallel efforts on VCFSE data, intelligence, and digital directories of services.
- Concentrate on access to SIS for Spring North and its delivery partners in the UEC programme this Winter, gather learning to inform use case.
- Establish a joint working group to develop the actions described on slide 13 of the pack.
If you attended the workshop in July, were previously part of Lancashire Digital Skills Partnership’s Charity Sub-group, or have relevant skills, expertise, or knowledge, or if you are just interested in joining this working group – please contact
The ToR for this group are being drafted by Linda Vernon, Head of Digital Empowerment at the LSC ICB.