VCFSE Lancashire Health and Wellbeing Board Rep

Date posted: 8th August 2024

The VCFSE Representative for the Lancashire Health and Wellbeing Board has been appointed.


Lancashire's Health and Wellbeing Board Chair apporached the VCFSE Alliance for a VCFSE Rep.

The Lancashire Health and Wellbeing Board is a forum for key leaders from the health and care system in Lancashire to work together to improve the health and wellbeing of local population and reduce health inequalities.

Board members work together to under their local community's needs, agree priorities, and encourage commissioners to work in a more joined up way. As a result, patients and the public should experience more joined-up services from the NHS and their local council in the future.



After a rigorous selection process, Teri Stephenson has been selected for the role. Teri will attend her first meeting as the VCFSE Representative on the 3rd September 2024. Additionally, a meeting between Joe Hannett and the Chair of the Lancashire Health and Wellbeing Board was held to discuss the support that the board can offer the new VCFSE Representative. 


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