News Archive
List of news
Male Suicide Prevention Campaign
The male suicide prevention campaign wants to look at how we can get men to access support and advise them when they need it.
WithYou - 'Child and Adolescent to Parent Violence and Abuse' online training
Jennifer Rushworth-Claeys, Director of Young Person’s services at WithYou invites you to their next online learning event taking place on 6th February at 9.15 am to 10 am via Google Meet.
Smokefree Lancashire - Stoptober Is Here!
Take a look at Smokefree Lancashire's - Stoptober Newsletter Bulletin
'Your health. Your future. Your say.'
People living across Lancashire and South Cumbria have been invited to a series of events to discuss health and care services with NHS leaders in the region.
UEC Winter Pressures Funding for the VCFSE Sector
Updates from Spring North.
Supporting LGBTQ+ Young People
Jennifer Rushworth-Claeys, Director of Young Person's services at WithYou, invites you to their next online learning event taking place on Thursday 26th September 2024 9.15am to 10am via Google Meet.
Networking and Information Sharing Event - Central & West
Lancashire Mind have been commissioned by Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board to help strengthen the relationship between clinical services and the VCFSE sector under the Community Mental Health Transformation Project.
Vacancies - With You Lancs YP
With You Lancs YP still have a number of vacancies available. The application is very quick as candidates only need to submit a cover letter and CV.
UEC Winter Capacity Funding Opportunity - EOI
Spring North on behalf of the VCFSE Alliance is pleased to announce three funding opportunities under the UEC Winter Capacity programme.
Summer Community Fund
Clive Grunshaw, Police and Crime Commissioner for Lancashire has launched his Summer Community Fund.
LSC VCFSE Alliance, Urgent and Emergency Care (UEC) Winter Capacity Funding, 24-25.
Great news! LCS VCFSE Alliance, UEC Winter Capacity Funding, 24-25 is looking for a VCFSE managing agent.
Breaking the Silence: Addressing Adult Illiteracy
Addressing Adult Illiteracy in the UK and it's Safeguarding Implications.
Lancashire's Health & Wellbeing Board VCFSE Rep
Lancashire's Health and Wellbeing Board has asked for a VCFSE Rep! Read more here.
WithYou - Ketamine under the microscope
Director of Young Person's Services at WithYou, invites you to their online learning event.
WithYou in Lancashire - Recruitment
WithYou have a number of exciting roles available within their Young Person's service in Lancashire.
Spring North - AI & Automation in the VCFSE sector.
Spring North are offering a new Training Course for using AI & Automation in the VCFSE sector.
NHS Constitution 10-Year Review - Government Consultation
Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) have today launched their 10-year review of the NHS Constitution.
Free Brand Development Workshop
Find Your Brand Voice - 21st June.
NHS Lancashire and South Cumbria - Cancer Alliance
Funding opportunity for innovative early cancer diagnosis projects
Collectively creating a community Green/Blue Space - Pennine Oaks
Can you help create a community social prescribing hub in Pendle?
Community Research and Engagement Network (COREN) Upcoming Events
Upcoming FREE CoREN events - The Cost of Living crisis / Using evaluation tools
Smokefree Lancashire
CYP Service Update & Partner Bulletin
West Lancs CVS are hiring!
West Lancs CVS are recruiting for a new role of Partnership & Networks Manager.
Leadership Learning Series
Together an Active Future are delighted to welcome you to their upcoming Leadership webinars and events...
COREN - Developing data skills for research
Free online event - Monday 25th March. 1-2pm
Recruitment at With You Lancashire
With You have a number of roles available. Read this news and media article to find out more.
Lancashire & South Cumbria - Strategy Refresh Engagement Workshop
Online workshops, providing updates on the strategy refresh and give opportunities to get involved.
Lancashire County Council Adult Social Care; VCFSE Engagement Sessions on new opportunities.
This is an invitation from Lancashire County Council’s Adult Social Care commissioners. They are hoping you'll want to find out more about new opportunities for VCFSE organisations who may be interested in providing “non-regulated” care services (i.e. not “personal” care). Much of this is to be developed as this is a new venture for LCC, so you'll also have an opportunity to help develop the concept. If you like what you hear – they’d be keen to sign you up their "pseudo-dynamic purchasing system" (PDPS).
Pan-Lancashire Anti-Slavery Partnership
8th February 24 is the Feast Day of St Bakhita (Patron Saint of Human Trafficking and Slavery) and to mark this special day, we have chosen to launch our new Anti-Slavery Pledge. It is predominantly aimed at the Business Community but would also be appropriate for Charities, Faith Groups, Voluntary groups etc to join.
Community Research and Engagement Network (COREN) Collaboration Café
FREE online event - Thursday March 7th 11am - 12pm
Emerging Futures - Team Leader Vacancy
Emerging Futures have a Team Leader vacancy for their Female Recovery Enhanced Supported Housing (FRESH) Project.
Change Grow Live Job Vacancy
Change Grow Live have a Job Vacancy for a Recovery Worker.
WithYou in Lancashire
WithYou in Lancashire to continue delivering drug and alcohol recovery services to young people across Lancashire
Community CVS - Recruitment
"We're recruiting: Community CVS seeking two new Directors."
Smokefree Job Vacancies
4 exciting job vacancies with the Smokefree team.
Have your say - Action on Frailty Focus Groups
Lancashire and South Cumbria ICB are seeking to take action on supporting people with frailty.
Recruitment - SmokeFree Young People Roles
We Are With You have some exciting new roles to share!
News, events and opportunities from the Community Research and Engagement Network (COREN)
Please complete a survey which should take no more than 30 mins of your time
Lancashire Women - Base in Preston
Lancashire Women are currently on the hunt for a base in Preston whether that be on our own or in collaboration with another organisation.
Grant Opportunities - Community Mental Health Transformation funding 23/24
The Lancashire and South Cumbria Integrated Care Board are now ready to launch this year’s Adult and Older Adult Community Mental Health Transformation funding for the VCFSE sector.
Engagement with VCFSE on the Future of the Lancashire Place
Engagement with the VCFSE as to the future of the Lancashire Place, with an embedded link to the online survey, which closes on the 24th of November 2023. Take a look and be sure to complete the online survey.
The Phoenix Way has just launched a grant funding round for non-profit organisations led by Black and racially minoritised communities in England and Wales with a specific focus on Children and Youth.
SCIE - Accelerating Reform Fund Programme
Social Care Institute for Excellence - The Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC) has launched a £42.6 million Accelerating Reform Fund (ARF) to boost the quality and accessibility of adult social care by supporting innovation and scaling, and kickstarting a change in services to support unpaid carers.
Making Every Contact Count (MECC)
Train the trainer: Additional Information for Managers
Workshop to Support the Development of a Lancashire and South Cumbria Five-Year Workforce Strategy & Training Plan.
We are pleased to invite you to a workshop to support the development of a Lancashire and South Cumbria five-year workforce strategy and training plan. These workshops follow widespread discussions which have taken place with colleagues across the health and care system. These conversations sought to understand the challenges faced by the system and to identify work which is already taking place to address these.
Spring North - Live Job Posts
Spring North are recruiting - take a look at the opportunities.
Bitesized Training Sessions - Ketamine
We are pleased to offer Bitesize training sessions for professionals working with Young People in Lancashire - focused on Ketamine.
NHSE’s Research Engagement Network Development (REND)
Partners in the ICBs, the NIHR and VCFSE Alliances in Chesire and Merseyside and Lancashire & South Cumbria have won joint-funding from NHSE to improve and increase VCFSE involvement in Research.
Workforce Strategy Engagement Event: 8th September 2023
Lancashire and South Cumbria (L&SC) Integrated Care Board (ICB) is developing a five-year Workforce Strategy that takes account of the whole area and our shared vision for health and care and services.
HMRC Voluntary and Community Sector Grant Funding Programme - Digital Inclusion
HMRC is looking for voluntary and community sector organisations to support them in helping customers they currently find hardest to reach, who cannot or will not interact directly with them or need extra support in doing so.
NCVO Survey: The impact of inflation on charities delivering public services
Income from government and public bodies through grants and contracts to deliver public services makes up 26% of the voluntary sector’s income. Underfunding of these services is a longstanding problem for the sector, and it is now being exacerbated by the cost of living crisis.
MIND Lancashire, VCFSE Sector Engagement - Mental Health Services
Chris Bell, Project lead, Central and West coordinator - "I am from Lancashire Mind, and we have been commissioned to collate the opinions and impacts of the Voluntary, Charity, Faith, and Social Enterprise (VCFSE) sector on supporting people’s mental health."
We are pleased to announce that applications are now open for the 2024 GSK IMPACT Awards and new GSK Health Inequalities programme, which will support small charities.
CGL Inspire Lancashire
CGL Inspire Lancashire, Job Vacancies
AI + Data - New Speakers Announced
Joining us for Digital Health AI & Data are two coveted speakers in this fast-evolving field who will explore the latest developments in regulatory and ethical frameworks for the safe and ethical use of AI applications in the NHS.