Lancashire Women - Base in Preston

Date posted: 5th December 2023 Lancashire Women - Base in Preston thumbnail image

Can you help?

Lancashire Women are currently on the hunt for a base in Preston whether that be on our own or in collaboration with another organisation – we are open to all ideas/suggestions. 

Looking for the following:

  • Walking distance of Town Centre/Public Transport links
  • Reception area
  • 5/6 x one to one confidential interview/therapy rooms – or the ability to reconfigure a space to provide this
  • 1 x group room to deliver training sessions
  • 1 x office space to house approx. 5 staff at any one time.

Lancashire Women have made contact with local estate agents and are open to securing premises on their own or as a shared venture with another organisation.  Or if an organisation has a venue they are no longer using or wish to share a space then they are open to that also.

Any enquiries, please contact Kara -

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