
Further constructive comments related to questions 3 and 4?

Break out groups for reflecting on the input would be helpful and does help in networking.  Useful when facilitators drop into the groups.

Wonder if worth having shorter follow-up meetings for some speakers to invite further discussion, or for ideas to be sent through ahead of a further discussion.  

What did you like most about the event?

On line is really helpful and flexible - face to face will be good when that happens.
It is a really important forum for Church and Faith groups which are in the front of social prescribing for community health and wellbeing.

Structured space to stay informed and identify opportunities to contribute 

It was very interactive 

How could the event be improved?

Churches Together in Lancashire works with the Lancashire Constabulary.   The Chief Constable is committed to community health and well-being.  Non crime related matters represents 80% of all 999 calls and so there is a real desire to support local faith and community groups in their work to improve community health and well being.  It would be good to have Community Police representation at these meetings.  I could recommend some possible participants from our police and other network partners.

Signing up to the event was fine but the joining up instructions were extremely frustrating  - if they were going to be given 2 hrs before the event that could have been stated when signing up for the event.  

 These are working well. It's such a big sea to juggle but content generally feels either progressive, or at least catches updates and keeps everyone at a base level of shared knowledge for forward working.

I sometimes feel 2hrs is a bit too long and find myself struggling to stay focused. 

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