[KEVIN MCGEE]: Hello my name is Kevin McGee and I'm the Chief Executive of Blackpool Hospitals and East Lancashire Hospitals and today I'm speaking to you on behalf of all of the hospitals across Lancashire and South Cumbria. This festive period is going to be a challenging time for us all and our hospitals are still under considerable pressure. And whilst we wish you all a Merry Christmas and we want you all to enjoy it with your friends and family, I would urge everybody to be careful and to follow all the rules and regulations. Winter is always the busiest time for our hospitals and this year, with our Covid numbers, it's busier than ever. In response to this, all our hospitals are supporting one another and are providing mutual aid, so that we can continue to provide safe services. And I would say to everybody, if you need our services and you need our help, your hospitals are here, as ever.
2020 has been an incredibly difficult year for the whole of the public sector and I include in that our voluntary services and our faith services. And I want to thank and say a massive thank you to everybody working in our public services - be that hospitals, local government, police, fire, ambulance, our faith services and our community services. You have done a magnificent job supporting all our communities and keeping everybody safe. And although I recognise that this year has been difficult, there is light. All of our services are working together to stand up our vaccination hubs. And, as we go into 2021, the vaccination will be with us and we have set up hubs to be able to vaccinate all our communities and to keep everybody safe. So there is light at the end of this. Please keep safe over the festive period, follow the rules and regulations and let's all look forward to a brighter and better 2021. Thank you.