We need your opinion on a new health app!

Date posted: 12th July 2021

Together with ORB Universe and the Lancashire and South Cumbria Digital Team, Creative World are looking for people in your community to help test the new ORB App and provide their thoughts and feedback.

Creative World will be running two briefing sessions on Wednesday 14 July at 7-8pm and Thursday 15 July at 12-1pm, to try out, test and discuss the app, and how it can support your health and wellbeing.  

To register your interest in taking part, please click on one of the links below at your preferred time. Please note you will need access to a smart device on the day (smartphone or tablet, not a PC or laptop) and internet access.

The ORB is a free application that allows users to access any app or website in one central location. Find out more information about the app (opens in a new window).

Thank you in advance; your assistance will help us create a better future for health at your fingertips. 

Register for the sessions here: 

Session 1 – 7-8pm, Wednesday 14 July 2021 (opens in a new window).

Session 2 – 12-1pm, Thursday 15 July 2021 (opens in a new window).


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